Thursday, March 28, 2013

Raised Cedar Beds

Expanding my skills for Grandma!

Thank you to Ana White, for posting free woodworking plans! If you haven't checked out her site, you should! I'm addicted. I planned to make raised garden beds from Ana's website for my front yard, and so naturally when my grandma mentioned she would like to have a veggie garden I offered to build her some first. Here is a cool photo from Ana's website for these Raised Cedar Beds:

Here are the sides and ends I made before assembly

Here is a close up of the ends

Drum roll please.... the finished beds for Grandma!

I bought some new tools for this job (and all the jobs I have on my to do list), the Ryobi One Plus drill and driver set, and the corner cat sander.

All three use the same batteries, so I simply switch them around. I have to say, I love them!
Should I be promoting all this stuff for free? ;)

 On an end note, because it makes me happy, let's look at

What's Blooming Now!

 Iceland poppy
 Did you know you can eat Nasturtium flowers? Throw some in a salad, they are peppery
 Japanese maple, foliage is as beautiful as blooms =)
 These remind me of my childhood and Alice in Wonderland

Foxglove, I associate these with fairies. If you were tiny, wouldn't you want to snuggle into one of those bells for a nap?

I've had a request for a post on making preserves* and canning, so I will work on that!

*My grandma said I need to call my jam "preserves" because it is so full of yummy pieces of fruit and is better than regular old jam. I am not one to disobey my Grandma, so we're calling it preserves people!
I hope everyone has a great Easter weekend! Thanks for stopping by =)

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